
YouTube Demographics
YouTube Demographics

Over the last 14 years, YouTube has grown to become one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide.

Google Search Statistics
Google Search Statistics

We compiled 47 Google Search statistics to help you understand the dominant presence of the search engine giant in greater detail.

Most Popular Messaging Apps
Most Popular Messaging Apps

Many of the most popular messaging apps emerged around the same time as some social media platforms but have evolved into stand-alone entities with over a billion MAUs.

Retargeting Statistics
Retargeting Statistics

The retargeting statistics we've prepared for you will help you understand why retargeting should be an essential part of your digital marketing arsenal in 2022.

Advertising Statistics
Advertising Statistics

Covering a wide range of media, the comprehensive advertising statistics you'll find here are ideal precisely for understanding the changing dynamics of global advertising.

Lead Nurturing Statistics
Lead Nurturing Statistics

4 out of 5 new leads never translate into sales. This is only one of the many lead nurturing statistics we've prepared for you.

SaaS Statistics
SaaS Statistics

Here, you will read the most important SaaS statistics that show where does the SaaS industry stands and where it’s headed.

DuckDuckGo Statistics
DuckDuckGo Statistics

We've prepared for you the latest DuckDuckGo statistics on how this innovative search engine is quickly taking over the internet.