Businesses don’t operate in a vacuum, but in an ecosystem where customers are the most critical component. Understanding the customer, therefore, is the key to running any successful enterprise and, after many years of studying how the tastes of Millennials influence overall consumer preferences, businesses are realizing that there’s a new sheriff in town. As the following Generation Z statistics will show, both earning and dependent consumers from this generation have a significant influence on consumption patterns. Read on to become more familiar with Gen Z’s internet and social media usage, as well as workplace expectations, consumer behavior, and just about anything that shapes up this powerful consumer group.
Generation Z Statistics (Editor’s Choice)
- Gen Z-ers spend 8+ hours a day online. (ThriveMyWay)
- 95% of teens report they have a smartphone or access to one. (PewResearch)
- Over 32% of Gen Z transactions happen on a mobile device. (Criteo)
- 31.8% of Gen Z-ers would like to receive emails from brands a couple of times a week. (Campaign Monitor)
- 55% of Gen Z use their smartphones for 5 or more hours a day. (CGK)
- 33% of Gen Z were persuaded to buy something after seeing it on social media. (Campaign Monitor)
- 43% of Gen Z-ers would participate in a product review. (Forbes)
- Good company ratings and reviews make 62% of Gen Z feel confident to buy. (CGK)
Facts About Gen Z
1. 74% of Gen Z-ers spend their free time online.
The Gen Z population is highly connected. The majority are spending their free time online and 66% report using more than one device connected to the internet at a time. Members of this age group mostly use their devices to communicate with friends and family and for entertainment.
2. Gen Z-ers spend 8+ hours a day online.
As digital natives, most of the Generation Z population spends at least one hour online every day. According to Generation Z statistics, screen time across multiple screens—smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and TVs—is estimated at 8 hours. This fact not only influences how they obtain information and form opinions but also aspects like emotional well-being and the ability to stay unconnected.
3. 73% of Gen Z-ers use their internet-connected devices primarily for texting and chatting.
This includes much of the time spent on social media. 59% mostly use their devices to access entertainment, 58% to play games, 36% to do schoolwork, 28% to learn new things, and only 17% for shopping and browsing. These numbers vary substantially between men and women, though, with far more male members indulging in gaming and many more female Generation Z consumers spending time chatting and texting.

4. 95% of teens report they have a smartphone or access to one.
While the youngest Gen Z users might not be allowed to use smartphones of their own, members of this cohort do start using electronic devices earlier than previous generations. This element of Generation Z statistics is a remarkable 22% increase over the 73% of teens who stated this in 2014/15.
5. Gen Z consumers are 2x more likely to shop on mobile devices than Millennials.
Concerns like the safety of mobile transactions or the size of the screen don’t seem to plague this generation. It’s critical, then, that businesses get their mobile game right and overhaul the shopping experience they provide for this mobile-friendly audience.
6. Over 32% of Gen Z transactions happen on a mobile device.
As Gen Z-ers spend more time on their mobile devices than any other generation, it’s not a surprise that over a third of transactions happen on a mobile device.
7. 58% of Gen Z users check their email multiple times a day.
Certain Generation Z facts and trends can upend generally held notions. One of these is that this age group isn’t exactly bringing about email’s demise. Less than 1% of Gen Z-ers never check their mail. Since 66.9% of Gen Z-ers receive 20 or fewer emails in a day, marketers face a lot less competition for their messages in this format than they do in some other channels. 64.9% of Gen Z-ers use email for personal communication, proving that a majority prefer to use email even when they have other channels at their disposal, such as texting.
(Campaign Monitor)
8. 31.8% of Gen Z-ers would like to receive emails from brands a couple of times a week.
Generation Z statistics show that this age group is even amenable to receiving brand communication through email as long as the frequency is within limits. 27.5% would be fine with hearing from brands once a day. Only 19% would prefer emails once a week, and 18.4% once a month.
(Campaign Monitor)

9. 62% of Gen Z-ers will not use an app or website that is too slow to load.
Most Gen Z-ers have never experienced the dial-up internet connections Millennials and older generations first encountered during their internet journeys. They have been used to seamless movement between the physical and online worlds and are, therefore, less forgiving of technical issues like slow site loading of sites. 60% will also not use an app or website that is hard to navigate.
10. 55% of Gen Z use their smartphones for 5 or more hours a day.
Over a quarter (26%) use their phones for 10 or more hours. It’s not just that Generation Z enjoys early access to smartphones; this also creates a sort of dependence on these devices. 29% of Gen Z are on their phones after midnight every night, and 31% feel uncomfortable if they are without their phone for 30 minutes or less. These Generation Z trends that show extensive reliance on phones might be interpreted as unhealthy but also provide the surest way for businesses to target young customers.

Generation Z Social Media Statistics
11. One-third of Gen Z were persuaded to buy something after seeing it on social media.
A Campaign Monitor study shows that 33% of Gen Z members bought something after seeing a social media post. 29.8% have never been persuaded into buying something via social media, whereas 29.5% have purchased something 2-5 times a month, 5.2% did so 6-10 times a month, and only 1.6% made 11 or more purchases.
(Campaign Monitor)
12. Facebook usage among US 12-34-year-olds fell from 48% in 2017 to 29% in 2019.
Nearly 70% of Gen Z-ers were using Facebook to learn about live events but recent data indicates that 30% of Gen Z-ers have stopped using the social network. While Facebook hasn’t lost its relevance completely, newer social media like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat seem to appeal more to younger users. These Generation Z social media usage statistics are also an indication of the generation’s preference for visual over written content.
(Business Insider, Marketing Charts)
13. Gen Z-ers make 60% of TikTok’s user base.
Gen Z is fueling the growth of TikTok. The short video-sharing platform attracts the younger audience by offering fresh takes on advertising and a whole new level of authenticity. Users mostly use TikTok to discover new music or express themselves.
14. 20.2% of Gen Z-ers prefer engaging with a brand on social media, more than any other channel.
While it is expected that social media is the channel of choice for Gen Z-ers to engage with brands, it is surprising that the two next most preferred channels are email (19.2%) and in-person (18.4%). The former again belies the fear of marketers that Gen Z-ers don't use email while the latter goes against this age group’s reputation for preferring digital interactions to in-person ones. Based on these Gen Z statistics, ads (16.1%), chats (14.7%), and company blogs (11.5%) are the other channels in order of preference.
(Campaign Monitor)
15. 41% of Gen Z say Instagram is their preferred social media platform for following brands.
Instagram’s visual format and easy scrolling make it a versatile platform for Gen Z who mostly use it for following brands. To communicate best with Gen Z through social media, one needs to understand how members of this generation use each platform. Facts about Generation Z and their social media habits show that Snapchat is used to post a video or a selfie. Facebook is used mostly to look up or create events.
(Marketing Charts)

16. 85% of Gen Z use social media to learn about new products.
A strong social media presence is imperative for brands targeting Generation Z. Social media marketing agencies should be aware that 69% of Gen Z members will visit a store based on a retailer’s social media posts. Nearly 80% of Gen Z-ers get influenced to shop at a retailer they have never been to before through social media. Moreover, 83% of Gen Z-ers trust product information shared by other shoppers on social media more than they trust advertising.
(Marketing Charts, Marketing Charts)
17. Facts about Generation Z show that 42% of this age group feel that social media has a direct influence on how they feel about themselves.
For a lot of Gen-Z members, the internet has been an omnipresent entity. This fact, as well as their relative inexperience in life, becomes evident in the importance they place on social media presence. 42% also feel that social media affects how other people see them, which is remarkably high compared to older generations.
(VOA News)
18. 71% of Gen Z-ers watch more than three hours of online videos every day.
Decreasing data costs and the availability of a wide range of content has meant that while only 32% of Gen Z-ers were consuming even a single hour of video content daily in 2016, now, nearly three-fourths are doing it for more than 3 hours, according to Generation Z statistics. Video marketing experts should note that YouTube is the go-to source for video content, but Facebook is fast catching up as a video hub, too. 71% of Gen Z-ers also have a Netflix subscription, more than any other generation.
19. 45% of Gen Z currently follows more than 10 influencers on social media.
76% of Gen Z-ers follow at least one influencer on social media and 45% follow over 10. More than half (52%) of Gen Z-ers trust social media influencers regarding products or brand advice. One in four Gen Z women learns about new products/services via social media influencers. Other Gen Z statistics indicate that members of this generation are 56% more likely to try a product that their favorite influencer has recommended.
(Forbes, Bizjournals, GenHQ)
20. Social media influences 54% of Gen Z.
Social media is more influential for Gen Z-ers than any other marketing channel, with 85% of this cohort learning about new products or services through it. One in three Gen Z members follow brands they are thinking of purchasing from.
(Pitney Bowes, Hootsuite)
21. 73% of Gen Z follow one or more brands on social media.
This generation is 59% more likely to follow a brand account on social media compared to any other age group. Data also shows that the majority of Gen Z-ers follow one or more brands and over half (52%) follow at least three brand accounts.
(Hootsuite, CGK)
Generation Z in the Workplace Statistics
22. 75% of Gen Z-ers don’t consider college the only path to a strong education.
Having witnessed the recent Great Recession and the ongoing college loan crisis, a surprisingly high number of Generation Z members don’t see college as a prerequisite to success in life. Many are choosing to go into the workforce right after school. No wonder then that 89% of them also say that they aren’t keen on taking on debt to cover the costs of higher education.
(Forbes, Forbes)
23. Over half of Gen Z say they want to start their own company.
54% of Gen Z-ers aspire to become entrepreneurs. This goes in line with the previous Generation Z education statistics that highlight the hesitation young people have towards higher education. Over 30% of Gen Z-ers said they considered taking a gap year after high school. A significantly larger proportion, 89%, have considered a different path than the traditional four-year degree.
24. 76% of Gen Z members describe themselves as capable of driving their careers.
The majority of Gen Z-ers believe they are capable of driving their career. What’s more, only 38% consider work-life balance important and 58% would work nights and weekends if that leads to higher pay.
25. 77% of Gen Z-ers say a company’s diversity would be a deciding factor when they look for jobs.
Many Facts about Gen Z show that this cohort’s attitudes towards work are also slightly different from those of their older counterparts. 70% of prospective Gen Z employees look at company reviews on sites such as Glassdoor, and 69% are more likely to apply to a company if it manages its brand well. Job fluidity is another aspect important to Generation Z, with 75% expressing interest in inhabiting numerous roles within a company.
26. 81% of US Gen Z adults consider money the biggest stress factor.
This compares to only 64% of older Americans who consider money a stressor. 77% of Gen Z-ers are also stressed out about work. This is an indication of the importance price is likely to play when Gen Z-ers go out shopping. If businesses can promise high perceived value for a nominal price, they are likely to win many Generation Z customers.
(Best Money Moves, Business Insider)
27. 80% of Gen Zers aspire to work with cutting-edge technology.
Gen Z’s deep understanding of technology drives their desire to work with it. Generation Z statistics indicate that 77% of Gen Zers are willing to be technology mentors to others in the workplace and 91% believe that technology will greatly impact their job choices when choosing between similar offers, and 80% say that technology and automation will bring about a more reasonable work environment.
(Dell Technologies)
28. 52% of Gen Z are confident in their tech skills needed for employment.
Over half of Gen Z believe they have the tech skills that employers are looking for. Just 57% believe that education has successfully prepared them for future careers. 75% expect to learn from peers instead of online programs.
(Dell Technologies)
29. For 70% of Gen Z, salary is the top motivator.
Gen Z is a more pragmatic generation compared to Millennials. 65% think salary is very important and 70% consider salary as the top motivator. Additionally, they are concerned about benefits. 70% list health insurance as the top Generation Z interests when considering a job.
Generation Z Consumer Behavior Statistics
30. 36.4% of Gen Z have never bought something as a result of an email marketing campaign.
Email marketing experts should take notes and improve their strategy when it comes to converting Gen Z customers. Over a third of consumers (36.4%) have never made a purchase because of an email. 28.5% of Gen Z members say that an email has persuaded them to make a purchase 2-5 times a month. Another 27.9% purchased only once, 5.9% said email has enticed them to buy something 6-10 times a month, and only 1% did so 11 or more times.
(Campaign Monitor)
31. Statistics about Generation Z show that by 2025, this age group will account for 85 million of all US consumers.
Understanding this generation will be critical for businesses interested in succeeding in the next decade and beyond. However, this understanding will have to be nuanced and go beyond the easy stereotypes like internet addiction and the low attention span normally associated with the generation.
(Insider Intelligence)
32. American Gen Z-ers hold $44 billion in buying power.
Consumer behavior trends for Generation Z vs Millennials further show that the former are a very different kind of shoppers, partly on account of being digital natives. Businesses need to make an effort to understand this cohort if they want a share of this sizable pie.
33. Generation Z influences $600 billion in family spending.
Gen Z is typically better informed of new trends and more open to trying out new brands and products. This has a bearing on the purchase patterns of their parents or other earning members of the family and will likely shape Generation Z spending habits in the future. These Generation Z statistics are reflected in another survey, carried out by IBM, in which over 70% of Gen Z-ers say they influence family decisions on buying furniture, household goods, as well as food and beverages.
(WARC, Archant Dialogue)
34. 67% of Gen Z-ers do most of their shopping in a store.
Given the large amount of time they spend online and their tech-savviness, it might come as a surprise that a majority shop in physical stores more often than online. This could be partly due to the lack of access to credit cards for the younger members of the cohort.
(Retail Touch Points)
35. Generation Z members have an attention span of 8 seconds.
Gen Z facts indicate that fast internet speed, which brings the world to their tips, and multiple choices have led to a decline in the attention span of Gen Z-ers. Not long ago, Millennials with their average attention span of 12 seconds were considered distracted. Leading social media platforms have developed advertising options for this audience: from Vine’s 6-second videos, Snapchat’s 10-second story limit, and YouTube’s 6-second pre-roll ads. At the same time, Gen Z-ers are also known for their ability to multitask, especially when using their electronic devices.
(Entrepreneur, UX Collective)
36. 43% of Gen Z-ers would participate in a product review.
Generation Z is looking for engaging conversations with brands and is interested in building brand relationships. Another sign of collaborative engagement is that 42% of Gen Z-ers would participate in an online game for a campaign. These Gen Z statistics give rise to a challenge for retailers to create a personalized, interactive experience for their customers.
37. 67% of Gen Z-ers prefer seeing real people in advertisements.
A preference for authenticity and a realistic narrative means that Generation Z has a soft corner for influencer marketing specialists. While 67% of Gen Z-ers prefer to see real people in social media ads, 37% prefer celebrities. According to Forbes, in the top 10 list of influencers for this generation, only one—Jennifer Lawrence—is a traditional movie star. Gen Z statistics might cite some other celebrities like Kylie and Kendall Jenner, but most Gen Z-ers favor Snapchat and YouTube stars.
(Wpromote, Forbes)
38. 54% of Gen Z-ers want control over the personal information they share.
While the general image of Generation Z might be that they are a lot more comfortable living a public life through social media, these young users are also cautious when it comes to divulging information on health and wellness, location, personal life, or payments. Along with the constant presence of the internet, these users have also lived with widespread cybercrime around them from an early age, making them extra-cautious, Gen Z statistics indicate.
39. 55% of male Gen Z buyers say a high-quality product would make them feel loyal to a brand.
Despite the high Generation Z reliance on technology, customer loyalty statistics indicate that people in this group care more about retail basics than about the bells and whistles of shiny apps and capabilities. For 55% of male and 47% of female Generation Z shoppers, the most important factor for brand loyalty is product quality. Women (55%) tend to feel more loyal to brands that offer reasonably-priced products, compared to 44% of men.
40. 61% of Gen Z-ers prefer brands that offer secure storage and protection of personal data.
Establishing trust with Gen Z-ers is vital when brands try to engage them as future customers. Studies on Gen Z facts indicate that factors like clear terms and conditions in how information is used, what data is collected, and incentives in return for access to personal information are important to this cohort.
41. 39% of Gen Z would feel loyal to a brand that matches their style.
Compared to Millennials, Gen Z-ers (39%) are more likely to feel loyal to a brand that matches their style. Another 31% would become loyal customers to a brand that supports causes they agree with, whereas 21% said it’s important the brand is cool and their friends also like it.
42. 68% of Gen Z read 3 or more reviews before buying something for the first time with their own money.
Generation Z statistics show that if marketers want to sell their brand to this cohort, it’s even more critical to build a body of consistently positive online reviews than it would be when targeting other cohorts. Another way to impress this generation is to use top-ranked influencer marketing platforms to find the right individuals and build an engaging social media presence. 46% of Gen Z currently follow more than 10 influencers on social media, while 73% follow at least one brand and 52% follow three or more.
43. Good company ratings and reviews make 62% of Gen Z feel confident to buy.
When looking for a company or brand Gen Z would trust to buy from, online ratings and reviews are the main factors they would consider. According to Generation Z statistics, 58% of shoppers would feel confident to purchase something if the company offers easy returns. Recommendations from friends and family come in as the third most important factor at 56%.

44. 43% of Gen consider it important that the online experience is easy to navigate.
When Gen Z-ers are into the buying process, the decisive factor on whether to buy something would be how easy the online experience is to navigate. Easy check out and pay comes in second at 36%, followed by the ability to see ratings and reviews (35%). 27% of Gen Z shoppers would be more compelled to buy something if there aren’t pop-ups or ads. Generation Z facts further show that 26% consider having a clean-looking website the most important aspect of a company’s online experience.

Generation Z FAQ
What is the Generation Z age range?
Generation Z succeeded the Millennials and precedes Generation Alpha. It refers to the people born between1997 and 2012. The Generation Z age range is 10-25 years old.
(Kasasa, Beresford Research)
How many Gen Z are there in the US?
According to the latest data, 67.8 million of the US population are Gen Z-ers. Millennials remain the largest age group at 73.2 million. Baby Boomers account for 70.4 million of the US population and Generation X-ers account for 65.2 million.
(Insider Intelligence)
What are the values of Generation Z?
Gen Z is the first generation born into a fully digital world and is more connected than any other generation. The Gen Z demographic profile is the most diverse generation, racially- and ethnically-wise. They are progressive and concerned with social justice and equality.
What percentage of consumers are Gen Z?
As Generation Z statistics show, this generation accounts for 40% of all consumers. Estimations are that by 2025, Gen Z will account for 85 million of all consumers.
(Forbes, Insider Intelligence)
- ThriveMyWay
- PewResearch
- Criteo
- Campaign Monitor
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- Archant Dialogue
- Retail Touch Points
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